The Social Media Process

What does posting on the social media page for a film look like?

If I had to answer this question, I would say it looks like a thought out yet simple process. Yes that is a contrasting claim, but I feel like a lot goes on when making decisions for the social media component of this project. Although, I had A LOT of fun with it. I currently run the social media pages for three teams at Cypress Bay as well as the overall athletics pages, which has sort of prepared me for this part. I know how to navigate the highlights feature and when is the right time to post. This blog post is going to go in depth on my choices surrounding the Shutter Instagram and what the next steps will look like. 

We currently have 13 feed posts up. 

 There isn't a lot of continuity among our posts at first glance, but each caption is pretty much the same. I always included the Shutter hashtag (#SHUTTER). I made sure that every post featured a camera, aside from the meet the characters posts, so audiences are reminded what the film is about. The four most recent posts feature (from least recent to most) the title screen in the trailers, both thumbnails, and movie poster. 
This ended up being the final product of the poster. I kept everything the same but after talking to Abby, we both decided that the black and white was the way to go. It fit the genre much better than the color poster. I hadn't even thought about making it black and white until I was sending it to Abby and had the revelation. I am really happy with how it turned out and it has everything I wanted since the beginning. 
This was my inspiration when making the poster and as you can tell, it is very similar. Aside from putting the release date on the bottom, the elements are pretty much the same with the key art as the face of the poster, the actors' names at the top, and the tagline. I didn't add the release date for a couple reasons. 1, it is a streaming release and most streaming posters do not feature a date. And 2, the other post I mentioned had it so audiences already know when it is being released to Netflix. 

Next Steps

Now that we have posted the thumbnails and poster, it's time to start thinking about what we can post after the trailers are released. I may post some behind the scenes footage from the filming days. This could keep audiences involved in the movie following them watching the trailers. This way they are still engaged while not giving away too much about the film. 
The next part of the project is the Critical Reflection! I will answer the four questions in an essay format the best of my abilities (hopefully) tomorrow. We will also post the trailers to the Instagram and wrap everything up with the final blog posts of the year!!
