Final Reflection

 The last week has finally arrived

24 blog posts down, three to go. The final three posts of this project will be the final reflection (this), all components of the project, and the Critical Reflection. I am writing this post now because, honestly, I am putting off having to write the Critical Reflection. But that's not important right now. Because what IS important is taking the time to reflect on the last eight weeks and everything that Abby and I have accomplished. We started this project with basically no ideas or any clue as to where to begin. But each week we kept working towards our main goal of producing two film trailers, and we did it!! Every component of the portfolio is complete and I truly believe this is some of our best work. I especially am proud of how we made the social media as I know how critical that part is to the final project grade. I am also a big fan of the poster and thumbnails. We'll see if Stoklosa and Cambridge agree with me but I am excited to submit this as our AICE Media A Level portfolio project. Thanks for sticking around for the long awaited journey and I will be posting two more times to unveil the entire project and CR.
