Trailer 2 Music

The making of Trailer 2

I forgot to mention this in my last post, but Abby will be editing Trailer 1. Since it is spring break and it's hard to get together due to our schedules being so different, we will be splitting up the editing duties to our own volition. We are both using iMovie since we find it easiest and it will get the job done. Like I said before, I have pretty much finished Trailer 2 and it's a good thing I worked on it earlier in the week because I have been busy. I just got home from Disney and I have finally been able to sit down at my computer and watch what I edited a few days ago. I honestly really like what I have so far, I have just been making a few adjustments. For one, I increased the volume on two of the clips because the audience couldn't really hear what Abby and Jenna were saying. We filmed these scenes at Town Center, so the sound was a little messed up due to the background noise (and our lack of using clip on microphones). 

 As you can see, I adjusted the volume up to the max at 400%. This may seem excessive, but it'll be worth it when you can actually hear Abby talking. I also still have to add in the background music which will be adjusted as well later on. I am currently watching the Everything Everywhere All At Once trailer for help with the background music. In the beginning, the music cuts out when there is sound coming from the movie itself, and comes back when a text graphic comes in. But later on the volume is lowered during the scenes. I will take this as inspiration with the two talking scenes. The other ones we took don't need volume because the characters don't have lines during it. 

Background Music

You won't believe this. I was on YouTube looking for copyright free music to use and an ad popped up. It was for a website that lets you download any music you want for free. So I took this as a sign and not just a coincidence because of the algorithm and went straight to the website and made an account. I filtered my search to "trailer" and "sci fi" and decided on....
this one!

I have downloaded it and added it to my trailer. I just finished editing it because OF COURSE there was a watermark in it. Not just one, but one every 30 seconds. I trimmed each part of the timeline where you could hear it and cut it out. 
That's why this looks a little choppy. I also lowered the volume (to 20%) on the talking scenes like I said prior. I kept the music for the rest at 100%.
I think Trailer 2 is complete!!! I am going to export it now and will watch it over a few times to make sure everything is perfect.

See you later this week!
