Portfolio Project Decision

Abby and I have come to a decision

We have decided to go with the film promotion package. We felt that this project idea was easier than the documentary due to a few reasons. It is difficult to come up with an idea about something that has happened, or is happening. Surprisingly, it is easier to imagine something that is fiction and put a story together. This is just one reason we are going with the film promo package. The others include the social media aspect of the project. For the documentary package, we would have to create an entire docuseries, or the concept for it, and produce a social media profile that surrounds that. With the film promo, we have all of the content we need to make a social media page, rather than filling in the blanks of the other episodes of the documentary. This part of the project is much more straight forward and direct than if we chose the documentary package.


Like I said before, creating an idea for the film package is much easier than one for the documentary. Between the length of the doc and the fact that it has to be real, current footage, this seemed like the right path to take. Off the bat, we might take the approach of a drama film. Some of the ideas we came up with entailed an old camera that a character finds and each picture on the camera tells a story. I feel like the opportunities with a film are endless. We just have to come up with the ideas. 

Creating two trailers will definitely be difficult, but I know we can accomplish this. I am expecting the trickiest part to be figuring out what we want to go in the first trailer and what for the second. I haven't really heard of a movie having more than one trailer, aside from a trailer and a teaser, but it'll be interesting to come up with. 

Past Project

Coming straight off of the Media AS Level project is definitely going to benefit me because I am already in that project mindset. Sometimes when you haven't taken on a large assignment like that one, your mind kind of slows a bit. But I submitted my CCR and portfolio project four days ago and I am ready!! Having just finished my magazine also gives me a leg up with blogging. I have been blogging basically three times a week for the last six weeks. Similarly to the "project mindset," I am in the blogging mindset. Producing three posts a week comes naturally to me and I love being able to express my thoughts about my projects on this site.

For the final post of the week, I will be sharing my timeline for this project! Check back later to see how Abby and I will be spacing out the work for the next (almost) two months!
