As you may have read from my last post, I have been thinking about what stories and pictures I want to use for my magazine spread. After talking to Stoklosa today I have to make a few changes to my ideas. I didn't realize that the spread only contains one story rather than two, so I have to choose which one I want to use. I was also unsure of what the requirements are for pictures, but she said I can use photos I took on my phone, which works perfectly for me. I almost forgot! I also am changing the overall theme of the magazine. In a past post I wrote that it is going to be a City of Weston Magazine as a Cypress Bay Issue, but I am changing it to a Cypress Bay Athletics issue. This will make the magazine more specific on what the stories will be about. The magazines I researched last week were about Weston as a whole, but I am only writing about sports at the school, so it makes sense to specify.
Next Steps: Cover Page Ideas
I made an outline for how I want my magazine to look, just as a jumping off point. I have also been researching different magazine covers to get ideas for the cover. This Sports Illustrated cover features "Sauce" Gardner as their main subject but they put his name on the bottom right corner of the page. I haven't decided how I want to headline "Cypress Bay Athletics" whether it be on the side of on the top of the cover. I really like the way the picture tells the story of who the issue is about, so I think when I solidify what I want my main story to be about I will take a similar approach. Right now I am leaning towards using my spring football story because I feel that I have the most content from that time.
For this concept, I know it is a little hard to see, but I took "City of Weston" as the headline and used the Sauce Gardner magazine as inspiration to put the subheading on the right side. Obviously a photo would be used as the background and I am thinking of using one of the pictures that I showed in a separate blog post. I want to have the date and issue number somewhere on the cover and I didn't include it but my name would be there as well.I'm not sure which concept I like better but this one has a more straight forward header and I took an idea from other Sports Illustrated covers I saw with the text on the left side giving a little peak into what the issue is about. Again, of course the image would be the background, so depending on which one i decide on would be where the text will be positioned. These are my top options for the cover photo for many reasons. For one, each one has a good amount of head room which would be perfect for the second cover concept because of the space it leaves for a larger title. Two, the picture is very pleasing to the eye with the three sunsets and is still simple. And three, it captures what my story is about: Cypress Bay football. I think this is a good start for the cover page and in my next post I will be planning even further. Stay tuned!
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