Title touches

 Adding a pop of color to 'The Way Up' title graphic was an essential

    Taking what I learned last year in TV Production, I realized how simple it was to add color to the already designed template of the title. I had found the font I wanted to use for the title on this website, but I couldn't leave it transparent or black. So, I used this photo editor website to add color. 

This was how the transparent title first looked without any touches. I was not going to leave it transparent because that would make the title almost impossible to see within the film, so I had to experiment with some of the color options Pixlr gave me.

And this is how it turned out when I added a navy blue color fill to it. This was just the first of three options. Of course the website allows you to chose from a gradient of colors, but I wanted to stick with the blue theme of the production. 

    These three are the final colors I chose for the title. I haven't filmed the scene where the title will appear in the opening, so I am not sure which will appear best against the background. I am assuming the middle shade of blue will look the best considering the brightness of it compared to the sky that will be behind the graphic. But we will have to see what it looks like when I edit the film opening. I am very happy with how these colors turned out and how simple it was to test out the different options. When I finish filming and begin editing the opening, I can change the brightness of each title to see which fits best. That is if the title needs any adjusting.
