Starting to film

 Ah yes... What I have been dreading most of this project has come: filming

    I feel like I should have started this part of the project much earlier in the week, but due to lack of time and actors, I have started today. My week became much busier than I had expected, since I had flag football practice every day this week. On top of this I have had many homework assignments I am trying to get done so I could make time to film. Apart from my own, two of the other people involved in the film opening have not been able to help me this week. Josh has been in Orlando for a field trip and my mom has had to work constantly. So it has been difficult to find the perfect time to begin. Today I started filming and put some clips together. I will continue once the other actors are available and we can get this show on the road.

    What I was able to complete today was the first five clips of the opening. Since there was no one home to assist me, I used an iPad stand to hold up my iPhone. Also, I don't have any camera equipment available to me, so I am stuck with my iPhone 12. In the shots that my phone had to be in, like the opening alarm shot, I filmed on an iPad. All of the shots required the iPad stand, which actually became very useful in production.

I had envisioned a specific shot, although it is simple, since coming up with my film opening idea: opening up the refrigerator with an eyeline match. For some reason I really appreciate that type of shot, so I created it. 

You can see my iPhone sitting in the middle of the refrigerator. It took a few tries, and hopefully I didn't break the refrigerator with how many times I opened and closed it, but I like how it came out. 

I will hopefully continue filming and get some more shots done when my mom is done working for the day. Next week I will film with Josh and knock out the shots taken on the football field. It is a long road ahead but I know what I need to do to get everything done. Stay tuned for more updates!
