
 Creating time for this massive project...

    When we were first introduced to the film opening project, we had around 2 months to complete it. 2 weeks later and it feels like time has flown by. Time management is so important, especially with a large project such as this. I have not worked on an assignment over the span of roughly 2 months so it could be a struggle for me to create space in my busy schedule. Coming up to the third week of this project, I have created a schedule in my head on how I will be spacing out my blog posts. I have posted every other day up until this week when I procrastinated and decided to do everything in consecutive days. But now it is time to get down to business. It is time to create a schedule.

    Besides school, I have many things going on in my life that are time consuming. For one, I play flag football and have practice four times a week. Also, the season is just about to start with games around the corner. We have up to three games a week, which could prove to be an issue in my production schedule. Besides flag football, I have the normal school assignments and studying for tests that take up much of my time. To add onto this, I work at the school sports games almost every week. On these days I usually go to practice and then work the games, leaving me no time to do anything in between. After the games I will get home around 9:00 p.m. and finally start my homework. I will work around these challenges and fit in time for the project as best I can. So it sounds like a pretty crowded schedule to begin with. Now to add in filming days. 

I know it is slightly difficult to see, but this is my calendar for February until March 11th. Despite my school schedule not on here, this shows my events for the month and when I will fit in filming the "The Way Up."  I plan on filming bits and pieces of the opening throughout the next 2 weeks when I am available. I will find the time to work on the production of the project despite my busy calendar.
