Everyone, meet Oakley
The protagonist and main character of this film, Oakley, has a unique name. I didn't want her to have some generic or boring name that other people would use. This is because Oakley is not generic or boring. Her name should represent who she is, and that is not like many others. She is independent and driven in what she believes.When choosing the name for my character, I researched many lists of top names from different years. When going through this process I realized that many of the names were repeated, except for a few. I saw "Oakley" on a list and it stuck. There were others that caught my eye like "Skylar" and "Wren". "Oakley" felt like it was made for this character.
Creating Oakley
In order to truly SEE what Oakley would feel like (not really feel like, but the aesthetic she would give off), I made a mood board. Within this is the color pallet that Oakley represents. A mix of different shades of blues and grays shows the masculinity and calmness to the character. The images include a football along with a wide shot of a field, a gym, and a poster supporting women's rights. The colors mixed with the pictures give a look into Oakley's emotions and interests. Of course, the main idea behind the film is football, so I had to include examples. The banner supporting women's rights shows how Oakley feels towards the topic. Throughout the film opening, the audience can sense Oakley's to her doubters due to her gender.
Representing Oakley
To get the most out of the main character, I put together a playlist that encompasses Oakley's presence and traits. The songs vary from hyping one up to representation among society. Here is the playlist on Apple Music: Oakley
Well, that's it for Oakley, next time you hear from me I will be explaining my storyboarding process.
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