The group began by choosing the song that we would be working with. We chose the song that is within the Indie Rock genre because it seemed as if we could create a story through it. Also, there are numerous well-known artists/groups that produce Indie Rock music. The group began choosing which artists we wanted to research for the case studies. We landed on Arctic Monkeys, Tame Impala, Dirty Projector, and Lana Del Rey. Filling out the case study charts proved to be very helpful and gave us some insight on the genre we will be working with. I focused on Lana Del Rey and her music. I found many marketing and distribution strategies that I would use for later. In my research on Lana Del Rey, I visited her website and looked into her history among the music industry to gain some ideas for our own artist.
1/20 & 1/24
Once the case studies were taken care of, we started coming up with a story for the music video. John was the main creator of this portion of the project as he had an idea and ran with it. I had made a Google Doc for the group to type our ideas and brainstorm throughout the planning process. Once John had concluded his outline for the music video, I began inputting his ideas onto the storyboard. Creating the storyboard was the first part we wanted to take care of as it seemed like the toughest aspect. I thought about the story and chose the best angles and compositions for what would be taking place and filled out the chart. This will be essential for when we begin filming. After typing the storyboard, I came up with marketing and distribution ideas for the presentation we would start working on in the next class. I looked back at the case study charts and used what those artists did in marketing their music as inspiration. We had also decided on the name of our artist, Flame Heart.
Marketing and Distribution ideas
Along with the storyboard, John created a timeline for what scenes will be happening and when. He did this today, while I came up with some marketing and distribution ideas. At the same time, Nate was working on the artist's website. Splitting everything amongst the group proved helpful as we completed tasks at a much faster pace. I continued working on the ideas for the marketing of our artist. I started an Instagram and Twitter page promoting Flame Heart's content. While the three of us were working on our respective parts, Rui was creating a logo for Flame Heart. We used this in the Google Slides presentation that I created. Nate was putting the finishing touches on the website and the rest of the group began working on the presentation. John chose the themes and checked which worked with Flame Heart's look. I typed the information I had previously written on the Google Doc onto the slides. After school, I finished creating the posts for the Instagram and Twitter accounts and uploaded them onto the presentation. I made the posts by using Canva and the templates they provided.
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